IMR Expertise

Construction Sector
Although commonly referred to just as building and construction, it is actually the very infrastructure that it constitutes. And needless to say, let alone development, a nation cannot even function until its basic infrastructure, and hence construction related requirements are met. ... read more

Oil and Gas Sector
The petroleum industry (including oil and gas, and petrochemicals) encompasses and involves several processes globally; including exploration, extraction, refining, transporting and marketing the petroleum products, just to name some. Petroleum and hence petroleum products (fuel oil and gas... ... read more

Engineering Sector
What started back in the ancient times, often referred to as the ancestral era, when mankind developed fundamental inventions like the wheel ... read more

Energy and Resources Sector
Energy is one among the prime factors that indicate or contribute to a nation’s economic growth. Power generation and consumption of a country help analyze its economic development as literally every sector (domestic or commercial/industrial) is highly dependent on the availability of energy... ... read more

Support Services Sector
Besides our two decades of experience, expertise and excellence in staffing consultancy, solutions and recruitments, and our supply of over seventy five thousand personnel for over a hundred and twenty businesses across several industries around the globe; we’re also renowned for our specialized ... read more

Manufacturing Sector
Statistics, figures and data of the manufacturing industry are key indicators of every nation’s economy (GDP) – production, exports, employment, living standards, infrastructure and self-sufficiency to name a few. The manufacturing industry has now become the backbone of every nation’s economic ... read more

Mining Sector
Mining Industry today is changing drastically, and more than revolutionary, these changes are referred to as ‘evolutionary’. A massive increase in the number of projects under planning and development worldwide, are calling for huge investments, cutting edge technologies, better work environment ... read more

Railway Sector
Infrastructure forms on the largest components of making any economy robust and putting it on fast track growth. This is the reason why governments around the world are always involved in developing and building their infrastructure continuously. Rail transport forms an integral part of overall ... read more